Saturday, 22 February 2014

How To: Messy Boho Braid

messy boho braid

step 1:
push all of your hair to one side. 
spritz some salt spray up and down your hair for more texture and "messiness" after you have applied it, scrunch your hair up and down for the textured look.

toni&guy sea salt texturising spray
step 2:
secure your hair in a loose side pony-tail and add on some more salt spray to make it more texturised and defined.

step 3:
next, split your hair into two sections. take a small piece from the back from one side, and swap it for one piece from the back on another side - aka please fishtail braid your ponytail.
if i didn't explain that all too well click here for a tutorial on how to fishtail braid.
but you really don't want to do a really tiny textured fishtail braid, just keep taking big chunks, as it will look like a normal braid, yet more textured.
After you're finished braiding all of your ponytail, then secure it with an elastic band or hair tie.

step 4:
gently tug and pull on your fishtail braid to make it a little looser and messier in general. do not pull really hard or else you might pull the entire braid out.

step 5:
carefully cut out the first hair elastic at the top and scrunch up your hair a little more, you can even pull out some hair from the front and there you go!

okay so here's a quick explanation about the bohemian style:
it's very laidback, and textured, with lots of different patterns, colours. it's all about individuality. the reason you do boho hair loose and textured is because of the laidback style.
i'm sorry that i didn't take a picture of the style full on
maybe next time
i don't have permission yet :/
for more boho hair tutorials please stick around, i'm planning to do alot more of these as you can't find many on the internet.
goodbye sunday. haha.

please enjoy

Friday, 21 February 2014

What's In The Box? | My Collection

What's In The Box:


couldn't find the brand or colour for the bottle of nail polish on the far left, so i've found something similar instead :)

left to right:

so yeah! thanks for reading guys, i hope you all realise the huge effort it takes to actually put in links for every product, and i feel bad for people with BIG product collections.
sorry if the links weren't too accurate, i couldn't really find really good ones for all of them, sorry if you couldn't get it....

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

So This Happened... | EOS, Organix and Maybelline

Left to right:
Luxurious Moroccan Argan Crème: Sheer Opulence Masque by Organix, EOS Sweet Mint Lip Balm and Maybelline  The Rocket Volum Express Mascara

Luxurious Moroccan Argan Crème: Sheer Opulence Masque
by Organix
As you guys may know I do have an "obsession" for hair products.
I recently went to the salon/hair dressers (whatever you want to call them) and they told me my hair was dry and that I needed to moisturise it etc. So I bought Toni&Guy Shampoo for Dry Hair and my mum bought some Kérastase Leave-In Conditioner that was also an amazing blow out cream.
But then a couple days ago I was in Watsons (haha we don't have Boots in Singapore, how sad) and I came across Organix.
A few years ago when there was head lice going around my mum bought me some tea tree shampoo from Organix and I absolutely hated it, because I hated the smell of it. It was so strong. So when the head lice disappeared I swore I never would use it again.
So yeah, every time I walked into the Hair Care section of Watsons I would ignore the Organix section, but this time I didn't. I was tempted to buy the Toni&Guy Nourish Reconstruction Mask, but I thought it was too pricey ($21.90), so instead I got Luxurious Moroccan Argan Crème: Sheer Opulence Masque. Which is alot like the Kérastase Leave-In Conditioner. It certainly does the same job, and I absolutely LOVE it. It is definitely the cheaper option at $15.90, and does it's job very well.
Very well recommended.

Left To Right:
Honeysuckle Honeydew, Passionfruit, Summer Fruit, Strawberry Sorbet and Sweet Mint

My Favourite Flavour:
Sweet Mint
(Sorry about the blurry photo... oops)

I seem to be the only chapped lips victim in my whole group of friends. 
Maybe it's because I have eczema, which makes my lips a lot drier than my friends, I don't know. But before I got my EOS, I used Maybelline Baby Lips (Smoothing SPF 20), Paul Frank (Candy Floss and Banana&Strawberry) and Vaseline, which I hate to admit...
I've heard a lot of people raving about EOS, so I ordered it online for $20.00 for 5 lip balms, which seemed a reasonable price. My friends have EOS and they seem to like it, and I even googled which flavours people seemed to enjoy the most, and I have to say that Strawberry Sorbet definitely won. I have to admit though I do love Strawberry Sorbet, but my absolute favourite so far is Sweet Mint, which people online thought was "plastic-y" and "not minty enough". I don't know I love it. When I apply it to my chapped lips it always moisturises and smooths very well and also it feels so cool and minty. And it also helps that it is shaped like a sphere, as it really feels nice when you apply it, as you can get half your lip done in seconds.
More on EOS later on when I've used it for longer! 

Maybelline The Rocket Volum Express Mascara
The Brush
A little different from The Magnum Cat Eyes brush, but still nice.
Okay, I haven't really worn make-up much. Only like on special occasions, and by that I mean VERY VERY special occasions, and I still don't normally. Only if I feel super tired or more like LOOK super tired, so I just maybe might brush some on to my lashes at times. But that's only like once every 2 months or something.
So yeah, since I'm "getting older" and everyone now watches Bethany Mota and Zoella (I don't get it, we watch her videos on make-up and furniture hauls yet we don't have our own houses and don't bother with huge amounts of makeup.... :0), so I've decided to sort of look at make-up to see if it interests me. And it's interesting up to a standard. It's fun playing around with it to make yourself look nice, but then I feel as if I need to make myself look like a clown.
Apparently this mascara has gotten REALLY bad reviews, people hate it... It's washable, which is true, it washes off super easily. It also does not have clumps and makes your eyelashes look really long and voluminous (??). So I don't see the problem. But then I guess I'm not an expert on make-up and I've never really seen an "amazing" mascara, so I have nothing to compare it to.

Monday, 3 February 2014

CNY Splurge | Wish List!

So for all of you non Chinese New Year celebrators, let me tell you how it all works.
On Chinese new year all the kids (and adults who are not married -_-) will get a red packet (Hong Bao or Ang Pau) from their family, most of the time from EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of their family. Inside that red packet is money.
So that is why kids love Chinese new year so much. Because we get money, aren't we all so humble? Basically every year after i get my money i always go into every shop that i like, look left right and centre on ebay, check out what everyone is buying and then buy like all of it. No i'm just kidding. But there are some things that i discovered (unfortunately) AFTER christmas meaning i couldn't put it on my christmas wish list.
also, i have to mention my huge love for ZOELLA. she is the most awesomest youtuber/blogger ever and she is the entire reason that i started up tripalis, and most of these products are on my wish/want list because i've seen her use them and i think that her hair and makeup is always flawless so when she praises (ooh fancy word) a product i immediately google it, the price and whether i can get free shipping. go check her out. she's amazing.  the link to her youtube and blog will be at the end of this post.
So here goes. My chinese new year red packet spending spree wish/want list!
(heads up: these aren't ranked in any order at all and no offence to any other people that inspired me that i didn't mention because i was too busy praising (there it is again!!!) Zoella. I love bethany mota too!)

1. Essie - Mint Candy Apple Nail Polish
Who inspired this: Zoella and Bethany Mota

2. EOS Smooth Sphere Lip Balm
inspiration from: hearing my friends talk about it.... and also hearing bethany mota talk about it. is it just me or does the strawberry sorbet flavour sound the nicest?!

3. Enrapture Encode Totem Styler
inspiration from: ohmygosh who?????? ------------> ZOELLA <3

4. TIGI S Factor Smoothing Lusteriser
inspiration from: dun dun dun dun zoeLLA i bet you're not even surprised.

i could put more things, but i'm going to leave it there for now, as these are the top 4 (i could not think of the fifth one!) and if i don't get off this computer and do my homework my mum is going to get really really mad at me. so yeah. thanks bye!
comment what you're going to buy with your cny money! and if you didn't get any cheer up and comment what you would have bought....

i almost forgot to go check out the amazing wonderful beautiful one of a kind zoella click below:
youtube     blog

enjoy :) <3 xxx